pnt2 aq tlis kt sinehh..tetiber trpdm..siyall gler..pnat taww..hewww..k2 stat it over..huh bnci aq..hehe :]] :]]
k tady skolah aq dew hri skan thunan..soo adew la prtdngn kwad antare rumah skan n bdn unit unifrm..whee!stalah pnt2 den staybck stiap ptng nk kwad nyer psal..ustad yg bnyk komplain 2 kate ktwoang nyer kwad mmg gempak seyy..ley same an ngn kadet polis..yeahh!ske aq taww..BIGGIE 2 abg dolah yg aja kwad+kak maya :DD ..but the stupidest thing la yg happen an..tyme pas abeh kwad 2..kadet bmbe n tentera lah yg pleng kecoh..abg dolah yg stat dlu aq tawu sngt..haha..kutok2 kadet owg..btw dak polis mara taww abg dolah kate polis bajet ayu..haha maot jew dpn kt akak afiqah.. :PP eyy,kalo abg dolah ngh bace jngn mara yeh..saba taw.. ag pown utang BUMPING sbb slah command smlm+carot tyme salah bge command td dpan ustad still lom lngsai ag an..t bumping 5+5 taww dpn ktowang on ari koko..haha pdn mke senior kuh..whee!well tday is quite a fun day 4 me but erm..but in the end i was in a quite shallow mood too..but this tyme i knoww y..1stly cant tell lo..haha lyke u wanna know bout it..well whtever.. ^__^ haha..td,aq n nanie x g pown jamuan bmbe cm jmper senior2 lame..ala wt pew pegi??bazir dwet akuh jew..mcm lahh senior2 lpas bek or even notice me last year..sume hampeh..haha blahh la =]=]=] owh dat quizzy quiz??hehe..i got tht one of the apps in myspace asking bout our normal lyfe n feelings called "wht type of heart do you have??" haha..well after answering it fully n honestly with my true feelings..
here the result :
Angel's Heart
"You fall in love quickly and easily.You give so much in a relationship, and you don't expect much in return. You love always seeing your lover and you just love them as they are.You have a huge desire to whomever you love and you stay in love forever"
n u know wht?? (tauw apew an??haha) ..bnde 2 btowl..seriouslyy..mmg ssh aq nk ngaku weyh but please dun bring this up into our conversation okie?..haha ;]] yeah aq nmpk cm tade prasaan or cm owg yg no function in bnde2 cmnie but aq x ske expect satu bnde 2 sngt..yolaa kang x pat ape yg ktew expect sngt 2 t terluka plak..aheww t cm ctew industan lak nagehsane sini dek bnde2 cmnie..haha nowayyy!!x nak ag dh..bia aq expect skit demi sdikit..just follow with the flow..alright then..next tyme aq ltak ag result soklan2 yg aq jwap taw..haha tngok dlu but now gtg..pnatlahh lom mkn ag lak 2..k2 TTFN~ papai :)) :))
pnt2 aq tlis kt sinehh..tetiber trpdm..siyall gler..pnat taww..hewww..k2 stat it over..huh bnci aq..hehe :]] :]]
k tady skolah aq dew hri skan thunan..soo adew la prtdngn kwad antare rumah skan n bdn unit unifrm..whee!stalah pnt2 den staybck stiap ptng nk kwad nyer psal..ustad yg bnyk komplain 2 kate ktwoang nyer kwad mmg gempak seyy..ley same an ngn kadet polis..yeahh!ske aq taww..BIGGIE 2 abg dolah yg aja kwad+kak maya :DD ..but the stupidest thing la yg happen an..tyme pas abeh kwad 2..kadet bmbe n tentera lah yg pleng kecoh..abg dolah yg stat dlu aq tawu sngt..haha..kutok2 kadet owg..btw dak polis mara taww abg dolah kate polis bajet ayu..haha maot jew dpn kt akak afiqah.. :PP eyy,kalo abg dolah ngh bace jngn mara yeh..saba taw.. ag pown utang BUMPING sbb slah command smlm+carot tyme salah bge command td dpan ustad still lom lngsai ag an..t bumping 5+5 taww dpn ktowang on ari koko..haha pdn mke senior kuh..whee!well tday is quite a fun day 4 me but erm..but in the end i was in a quite shallow mood too..but this tyme i knoww y..1stly cant tell lo..haha lyke u wanna know bout it..well whtever.. ^__^ haha..td,aq n nanie x g pown jamuan bmbe cm jmper senior2 lame..ala wt pew pegi??bazir dwet akuh jew..mcm lahh senior2 lpas bek or even notice me last year..sume hampeh..haha blahh la =]=]=] owh dat quizzy quiz??hehe..i got tht one of the apps in myspace asking bout our normal lyfe n feelings called "wht type of heart do you have??" haha..well after answering it fully n honestly with my true feelings..
here the result :
Angel's Heart
"You fall in love quickly and easily.You give so much in a relationship, and you don't expect much in return. You love always seeing your lover and you just love them as they are.You have a huge desire to whomever you love and you stay in love forever"
n u know wht?? (tauw apew an??haha) ..bnde 2 btowl..seriouslyy..mmg ssh aq nk ngaku weyh but please dun bring this up into our conversation okie?..haha ;]] yeah aq nmpk cm tade prasaan or cm owg yg no function in bnde2 cmnie but aq x ske expect satu bnde 2 sngt..yolaa kang x pat ape yg ktew expect sngt 2 t terluka plak..aheww t cm ctew industan lak nagehsane sini dek bnde2 cmnie..haha nowayyy!!x nak ag dh..bia aq expect skit demi sdikit..just follow with the flow..alright then..next tyme aq ltak ag result soklan2 yg aq jwap taw..haha tngok dlu but now gtg..pnatlahh lom mkn ag lak 2..k2 TTFN~ papai :)) :))
ida sofia :DD
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